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Here I am, Starting Something New... Again

Writer: Alanna LutzAlanna Lutz

Have you ever started something new and thought, I would love to do this for a living! Have you started it and then let it fizzle? Did you know that it was your passion and let it bother you for literally years before returning to it? This is exactly what happened to me.

About four years ago I was inspired by the photography class I was taking at the University of Lethbridge. I loved every little thing I was learning about film, history, composition and more. I was practically drinking it up. I spent full nights in the dark room finishing projects and exploring this new media. I took New Media courses to expand from film and history to digital and photoshop. It was all so exciting! I knew that this was something I wanted to pursue. So I took the plunge and bought my very first DLSR camera. I was in LOVE!

I started asking friends if I could take their family pictures, their engagements, and (just once) their wedding. I made A LOT of mistakes. I basically dove in headfirst to a pool without filling it with water first. I let myself get discouraged. It wasn't long before I stopped having the courage to plunge ahead. When I told people that I was getting into photography I would automatically think, "Even they know this is going to fizzle." and other negative thoughts. I had a few people tell me that every young girl "thinks that they are a photographer." It got to me. I started to believe my self doubt and slowly I stopped asking people if I could take their picture. I stopped reading blogs, taking photography classes, watching tutorials and stopped advancing myself.

However, I couldn't let it go. I was constantly coming back to it. I couldn't stop thinking about it! I would find myself on photography blogs, and scouring the internet for other ways to improve myself. I was constantly bugging my family by pushing my camera in their faces and lining then up for group photos. Every once in a while I would again ask a friend if I could take their pictures. After a photoshoot I would feel elated. Photography was constantly bugging me this way for almost 2 years before I realized that this is my passion and I can't just let it fizzle. I love taking beautiful pictures for people and not just my family. I want to be challenged creatively and make pieces that families with treasure in their homes.

SO here I am, starting it all over again! What am I doing differently this time? I am throwing myself in it but not without filling the pool first. I am doing endless research to improve my shooting and investing in myself to improve my end images. Because when you can't forget and let something fizzle you SHOULDN'T. Don't let go of your passions and let the nagging creativity loose. Sometimes what you're supposed to do won't let go of you. Take it in your hands and get to work. Get going and find ways to bring it into your life. Here I am following my passion. I'm sure there will be lulls that will be discouraging and rude comments or critiques that could bring me down; but I'm here to get better and those sorts of experiences are what make you great!

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