My heart was constantly fluttering with joy for these two. They were sweet enough to drive all the way to Lethbridge (where I was visiting family for Thanksgiving) from Calgary to get these pictures done. So we get to Henderson Lake and we are met with what Lethbridge is probably best well known for; wind! We were facing high gusts and an intense breeze. Justin and Kerry were champs through the whole session. The cold gave Justin a good opportunity to keep Kerry warm with cuddles and we decided that the wind just added glamour to the shots so we embraced it. I especially loved the pictures we took on the dock. The wind blew the fountain spray just the right way to create some haze. Thanks again Justin and Kerry for being such good sports. OH YA! Also, for any of you who have seen Mastermind see if you can spot which of these pictures were inspired by the hilarious photoshoot put on my those characters. These two have a great sense of humour.

Yes. This last one is our shout out to Mastermind.